Awaiting is a special under construction or development page with fluid fullscreen responsive design, 960 grid system, countdown timer, social counter, 40+ background patterns, build with AJAX subscription form which sends you an email with subscribers email address. Key Features - Easy countdown - 40+ predifined background patterns - Social counter for Youtube, Facebook, Dribbble, Vimeo, Github, Forrst and Twitter - Simple email subscription with PHP - Uses twitter API 2.0 - 960 grid system - Responsive layout - Fullscreen Changes Log 0.3 – 16 July 13 - Twitter API updated 0.2 – 05 July 13 - Countdown fixed for Google Chrome - More social counter added - Twitter API updated 0.1 – 17 March 12 - Initial realease Support and Features Req... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hey zourbuth,
I recently purchased your awaiting template. Its very cool. BUT – it is not responsive on my iPhone. Can you please see and tell me what is wrong. It shows up small, like a normal site, not a responsive site. Also, I am having issues with the eMail subscription tab. Doesnt seem to be working for me.
THanks in advance for your help!

Review Left On 04/22/2022
woah this is awesome! do you have a full site with this theme? I am very interested. All the best with sales.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
The counter isn’t working well with Google Chrome, but it works w/ Firefox and IE. Any idea why?
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Review Left On 04/27/2022
1 – How do we retrieve the Name and Email Address information?
1a – We do NOT use MailChimp. Is it required?
2 – Are we notified when someone signs up?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi, I’ve purchased this template and I like it so much… But I have a little problem… I’m not able to make facebook counter to work properly. Could you give me a hand?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
countdown Works in internet explorer but it doesnt work in Chrome and also mail.php gives error help me please?

Review Left On 07/06/2022
Hi there,
I removed the social network html lines as I just wanted the countdown and email subscription But I can’t seem to get the date right. I am looking to launch 2nd of April 02/04/2012 and I have edited the code below but it still shows zeros ‘0s’ for days hours , minutes, seconds? Why is this? What changes do I need to make? Regards, Daniel
// Centering the text content
jQuery(window).resize(function ($) {
}).load(function() {
// Countdown
$('#countdown .container_12').countdown({
until: new Date("02/04/2012 09:00"),
format: "DHMS",
labels: ['years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'],
labels1: ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'],
layout: ' {dn} {dl} '+
' {hn} {hl} '+
' {mn} {ml} '+
' {sn} {sl} '

Review Left On 09/29/2022
Nice work – but the mailform stalls when submitted and the counter tells the right time – but does not count at all (like it does on the live-demo site)