HTML5/CSS3 Ultra responsive site template suitable for College, Courses, Tutorial sites and Educational. The main feature is that the theme is provided with a Responsive MEGAMENU and Revolution slider (value of 12$) View EDU Coming soon Under construction page Main features Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3 code Ultra Responsive Boostrap Twitter Based: looks nice on all devices Responsive MEGAMENU Revisited and improved with Boostrap Grid Inner Tabs to include more content Inner Video Youtube Simple drop down NEW!! Revolution slider (value of 12$) Ajax PHP Contact Form Ajax PHP Newsletter Form Ajax PHP Plan a Visit Form + Date/time input Calendar IE10 Border radius fixed 360 Font Awesom Icons Retina Ready SEO Friendly Google Web Fonts:... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi Ansonika,
How can I remove some validations, such as e-mail validation or date validation please? I have multiple forms on my website, so I have created multiple php files, with different form fields, and some of them don’t have an e-mail field, or a date picker field of other ones. It won’t let me send a message without entering an e-mail. This is the last thing missing. Please help! Thanks again for this great work!

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello Ansonika, I am trying to use the the validate.js and the contact form php script for some different but similar forms around the site. I have copied the content of contact.php into a different file and edited it well, also i have created a jquery section in validat.js for each form. however, whenever i click on submit, it posts to the form action’s php file instead of displaying the error or success message on the main page. What do i do?
—-—-—-—example of edited/added script in validate.js-—-—-—-
/* Course Registration form */
var action = $(this).attr('action');
$("#message-registration").slideUp(750,function() {
$.post(action, {
name_register: $('#name_register').val(),
lastname_register: $('#lastname_register').val(),
email_register: $('#email_register').val(),
phone_register: $('#phone_register').val(),
courseoption_register: $('#courseoption_register').val(), */
message_register: $('#message_register').val(),
verify_register: $('#verify_register').val()
document.getElementById('message-registration').innerHTML = data;
$('#registrationform img.loader').fadeOut('slow',function(){$(this).remove()});
if(data.match('success') != null) $('#registrationform').slideUp('slow');
return false;

Review Left On 04/12/2022
How can I change the mobile menu named “MAIN NAVIGATION” to something else?
Thank you!
Clearshop - Responsive OpenCart theme
miniMail Responsive Email Template
FitPlain- one page Creative portfolio Template
Moderns - OpenCart Theme
The Mist || Responsive Coming Soon Page

Review Left On 04/14/2022
How can we include an attachment to the contact form please? If we want people to send over their resume in word or PDF format… Thank again for this amazing HTML work!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi, thank you for you nice theme but
I have a problem when I included the XML demo file,
I get this error :
Failed to import pa_color Black
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled
Failed to import shop_order_status completed
Failed to import product_type external
Failed to import shop_order_status failed
Failed to import pa_color Green
Failed to import product_type grouped
Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
Failed to import shop_order_status pending
Failed to import shop_order_status processing
Failed to import shop_order_status refunded
Failed to import product_type simple
Failed to import product_type variable
Failed to import product_cat Clothing
Failed to import product_cat Hoodies
Failed to import product_cat School bags
Failed to import product_cat Shoulder bags
Failed to import product_cat Stationery
Failed to import product_cat T-shirts
Failed to import product_cat Backpack
Please what is the reason of this error and how I do to get the same demo theme.
Notice :I did not find the XML in assets / sample-data /
but I find it in assets / dummy-data
I’m waiting for your answer

Review Left On 04/18/2022
An Issue for Full screen slider
height is 824px automatically generated
i need only 500px how can I change. I need to be change because after 500 px height the forms are not working and text not copied it is overflow the height in hidden.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Dear Author, I bought the HTML templates, but it does not include the images that displayed in the demo. it is really not convenient for me.
could you send me a complete html code same as the demo?my email is [email protected]

Review Left On 04/22/2022
For EDU wordpress please refer to

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi Ansonika,
I have purchased your theme. Good work!
I would like to have a slider slider smaller and centered horizontally, so I don’t need it with fullwidth…can you tell me what to change in order to achieve this?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
i have bought this theme and i found some big bug in the main page , that when i put a link it can not link at the first or second rows . please fix it immediately and mail to me at email [email protected].

Review Left On 05/27/2022
As this template is based on Education, am I able to sell my own courseware on the domain for which it is installed? if so which license please?

Review Left On 06/14/2022
I have purchased this theme but STYLE SWITCHER and font change option not working in this theme…. but its work in demo theme…

Review Left On 06/22/2022
Hello, If i wrap the header, nav menu and slider in a container to create a boxed layout instead of the full-width, the slider is cut on both sides. Is there a way to tell rs to have its max-width as that of the container without cutting? also, reduce its height?
Sent u a message through the download page for a while now.

Review Left On 07/13/2022
The Paging on the all-courses.html page of your demo site does not work. How can we enable pagination for the data tables. Also do you have any plans to add sample for tab menu. Thank you.

Review Left On 07/22/2022
Hey, I am interested in purchasing this template, but the demo preview doesnt work. I get an apache error… I would like to see the product before I purchase :/

Review Left On 08/25/2022
I brought your theme many years ago. Since we didn’t update PHP version and theme. Now we want to update PHP version and theme. Can you tell above which PHP version your theme supports?

Review Left On 09/28/2022
Please, I will like to purchase your edu theme template, but I wanted to ask some few questions about the template before I proceed, the questions are as below:
• Did you use any framework in developing it?
• What techniques and tools did you use in developing it?
• Does it have any database back-end?
• Can I easily customize it to fit my criteria?