Medicina new and modern html5 medical template builded on Bootstrap framework. Fancy colour schemes, makes medicina more reliable and useful. Amazing and simple appoinment form will make your patients life more easier. Medicina Features HTML5 – CSS3 Based on Bootstrap 3.x Medical design Subscribe form 404 \u0026amp; 500 error pages included Cross browsers support Easy to customize Retina ready Parallax frase sections Well documented Usefull appoinment form Fully working simple ajax contact form. Amazing color schemes. Simple photo gallery. Amazing slider Cutie medical icons Easy to edit GOOGLE MAPS Awesome OWL carousel Google fonts IONICON over 100+ font icons... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Wow i buy this item and its not responsive what a waste of money… I should take care better next time u.u

Review Left On 04/28/2022
The possibility exists that you make a responsive version?
I also bought thinking it was responsive

Review Left On 05/04/2022
HI, I was under the impression that this was responsive. How soon do you think you will have that available?
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Review Left On 05/20/2022
I liked this theme and wanted to buy this but when i checked the preview, it seems the template is not responsive. Please let me know if this theme is responsive for all screens.

Review Left On 05/24/2022
Hi, I also through that this template was responsive because the mobilephone image in front. Is anywhere an responsive solution ?
Thanks. I just worked with this one

Review Left On 09/08/2022
I bought thinking it was responsive, however it is not. I threw money away, as is for nothing. Update urgent.