“Memorials – Funeral \u0026amp; Cemeteries HTML5 Template” is a Clean Designed, Minimalistic, Multipage HTML5 Template for Funeral and Cemeteries Services Developed by Jewel Theme. Memorials HTML5 Template is created for Funeral and Cemeteries services and funeral homes. Memorials has 2 Homepage variations, Shortcode, About Us, Funeral, Cremation, Cemetery, Contact Us pages Locations will help to find the locations easily via Google Maps. Features: Slider Revolution ( Save $14 ) Fully Responsive BootStrap v3.3.4 Google Fonts Touch Enabled W3C Validated Code Isotop Gallery Demo’s: Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible and many more… 23-05-2015—Ver... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/05/2022
How difficult is it to add custom fields to each obituary? Thinking about using this for a Navy ship I was stationed on and I would probably have about 10 different custom fields I would need to create for the template.
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