This item was featured in our 50% discount series! Don’t miss out on our weekly offers! Subscribe today and get up to 50% discount for our randomly selected premium items! Circle Mobile Template An attractive, elegant mobile template with 5 different homepages to choose from. We’ve built a circular / circle image slider, a classic slider and a fullscrreen slider and also added a thumbnail landing page. Did we mention the fixed footer menu? Circle is a Mobile Template and a Tablet Template offering all mobile compatibility. Elite Author Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience! Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets! Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the marke... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I bought the template and works well but i have a problem, this links : [links removed], not working with table paging

Review Left On 04/09/2022
This author is one of the reasons why CodeCanyon and Envato are successful.
He brings a level of talent to you with complete, well documented products that are extraordinary.
Then he supports them with a type of focus you’d expect to receive from a programmer sitting in your office.
Buy this product, and rely on Paul and Enabled to deliver crisp, functional, contemporary designs with world class support.
Enabled is an example for all CodeCanyon / ThemeForest sellers, and you will be happy to work with them.
When you like a product, great. When you like a programmer, great.
With Enabled’s products, you will like the product, programmer and the finished product you create – knowing they’ll be there to back you up and provide affordable customization whenever you need.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I purchased but am having problems using the checkbox in a form. You have it as an a href class=”checkbox checkbox-one”, but when I try to put that in an tag it does not work. I’ve tried to use and with no luck. How can I put the checkbox into a form?
Social Welfare - Charity & Non-Profit HTML Template
Sentinel - Responsive Email + StampReady Builder
RECT - Portfolio HTML Template
Meet Up Landing Page With Builder Access
Memorials - Funeral & Cemeteries HTML5 Template

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Only apps can use geolocation properly, and streaming audio and video can be done by embedding your requirements. You can convert the item into an app but if you application will be paid or have in-app purchases then you must purchase an extended license.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
hello sir…
i can not pay by paypal . Is there any other way to pay and download it??
i really like that circle theme and i want to buy it but i can not pay by paypal so Is there any netbanking related payment method than easy for anybody.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi, can the circle slider (on index.html & index5.html) automatically swipe like the slider? Because maybe the users don’t know that they could swipe the circle to reveal the next circle.

Review Left On 05/27/2022
hello can be integrated geolocation and streaming audio and viedo and can be used with phonegap to make it app

Review Left On 06/23/2022
This is going to be my first mobile template. One question though, can this be uploaded to app stores like google play , etc?

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Love it so far, but I need more form elements than just text input and buttons. I’m struggling with making radio buttons (and their labels) or checkboxes, file upload, etc look right. Can you suggest some additional CSS that would be compatible with what you have already?

Review Left On 08/18/2022
the pages
don’t work well on high resolution tablets
the css is way off
the icons in the middle cram into a corner
the sharepage menu in the bottom spans from the middle to the right of the screen
and not from the left to the right of the screen.
please fix it
send me a css fix too
thank you