NewsZ is a clean, modern responsive Html Template. It’s especially designed for magazine, blog and news websites and more. This is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap3.x, Font Awesome 4.x, LESS, Gulp, Modernizer, CSS3 Animation, Owl Slider, Megamenu and more. It have many Pages: Three Home Pages, Two Categories pages, Video Listing Page, Audio Listing Page, Audio Player Listing Page. Features: Clean, Unique \u0026amp; Modern Design 10 + Different Pages Fully Responsive Built with HTML5 / CSS3 – Powered by Bootstrap 3 Less Support/LESS files included Gulp Available W3C Markup Validation Compatible with all major browsers Mailchimp Subscription Dynamic Twitter Feed Megamenu Twitter card \u0026amp; Facebook open graph... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/17/2022
Where are the src files? Just downloaded and docs don’t mention how to recompile the less files, and the gulp file provided points to
But there is only ./assets/less
Am I just suppose to reverse engineer your build process or is there other documentation?
Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, i want to know if it has a contact form that is not showing the preview. The website is great, but that is something i gonna need. Thanks
Review Left On 05/24/2022
Hi Great Work! I would like to use this for a project but I would like to know if there is a backend to upload to articles or I need to create each article since this is html.
Kindly educate me on how news article can be added on the page. Thank You.
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