Demo with default color scheme and cells grid layout on homepage: Demo with color scheme #1: Demo with classic layout on homepage: Demo with standard layout on homepage: Demo with 2 columns layout on homepage: More to come… Live demo WooCommerce: Are you a dynamic person who want every day something new? Tired to see every time same layout on your website? Then ♥ Spiffy WordPress theme ♥ is exactly what you need! You can choose to display posts from 7 different types: Grid, Random size cells, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi there,
Yes, Spiffy theme is made to support rtl languages. You can test it for 15 days and if doesn’t fit your needs you can ask for a refund. No question asked!

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hello, I am very interested in using Spiffy for the obvious case of setting up a restaurant menu. Where can I read documentation how to do this with jetpacks on the Lite version. Im a newbie so simply seeing that I will have to use jetpacks to manage custom content types is not nearly enough

Review Left On 04/30/2022
We’re excited to announce that Spiffy is running GREAT and UPDATE is now available! VERSION 1.3.0 (05/18/2017)
Check out below a list with all the things changed or improved for this version:
- Option to add Google Analytics ID from customizer
- Added new color scheme( Demo here: )
- Design fixes
- Small fixes and improvements
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