Thiyan is a creative personal \u0026amp; portfolio template, responsive one page based on Bootstrap Latest version.. You can use it for your personal resume, CV or your portfolio Thiyan template is written in valid and clean HTML \u0026amp; CSS3 code. It’s Super easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs Thiyan Features One Page Template Awesome/clean/modern Design Cross Browser Compatible Clean Code HTML5 Validation Working Contact Form Well Documented 24/7 Support Version: 1.0 initial release Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi there,
First off, thank you for the template you’ve designed. I love it and have purchased it.
I am having trouble using a font awesome icon on the website. It is the IMDb icon called fa-IMDb.
I have hard coded in an image as a temporary measure but was wondering if you had any advise/knowledge of any others who have had issues with this particular icon. The YouTube and Vimeo icons work fine.
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
I’m having trouble installing the theme to Wordpress. How can I go about that?
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