Template features: 3 homepage sliders to choose from Dropdown menu Login panel 8 color variants Advanced sortable portfolio with pagination and project details modal box 12 ready page tmplates Info boxes, tabs, toogles, lists… Pricing table Simple column system Many jQuery improvements PSD files for easy cutomization ... Used fonts: Helvetica Neue http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/adobe/helvetica-neue/ Lucida Grande http://www.jonmega.com/iceman/stuff/fonts/ Arial (standard) Icons: Icons Unleashed Vol. 1 – Computer Hardware KDE Crystal Diamond by Everaldo Coelho... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
do you have any idea why the links in the sub menu don’t work. On click nothing happens…

Review Left On 09/25/2022
Hi. Do the PSD’s to this template really not contain the smart objects for the Mockups in the Sliders..?? They all are collapsed even though the text for the template states that the PSD’s are layered for customization.
If not, where do I buy the actual layered mockup PSD sources for the sliders..?
Thank you
Target - Psd template
Target - Premium Landing page template
Scrollfolio - Parallax Scrolling Effect portfolio
Artfolio - portfolio solution for creatives
X-Tech Landing Page