Wicodus – is a multipurpose HTML5 gaming template. This template can implement a game store, blog, review or a landing page. The template is based on Bootstrap 4 library and Sass preprocessor scripting language. Wicodus contains a lot of great plug-ins and additional components of the user interface. The template is well documented and is also supported. Features List Store Page News Page Coming Soon Page Contact 404 page Working AJAX contact form Fully Responsive Bootstrap 4 Based Google Maps SASS Support W3C Valid Code Set of Font Awesome 5, Themify and ET-Line Icons A lot of great pre-installed plug-ins Clean code ============================================================================================ v 1.4 - 6 Dec 2019 -... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
First of all, sorry for my bad english and congratulations for the amazing work, i’ve been looking for such a good work in the Gaming category here, for a long time.
But, i see that the theme is new and i have to tell you some points that if you change will make me and others buy.
1 – You need to create a checkout page, since the theme has a shop.
2 – Must have a example of adding item to cart function (People need to see how when someone try to buy a game, this will apper in the cart).
3 – A user profile page would be amazing, since there is a login button in header.
For now that’s all, also congratulations for the amazing work again.

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Amazing work dude! If you release WordPress version of this, I’m buying it from the get-go.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hi ScanThemes!
We need your help.
We want to let you know that we have purchased this template. We want to use it for our website, how do we maximize SEO using this template?
Mazza - Multi-purpose Creative Prestashop Theme
Unicord | Creative Portfolio for Freelancers & Agencies Theme
Bixbang - Minimalist eCommerce WordPress Theme for WooCommerce
Essentials - High Converting SaaS Landing Page Template
Dexam - Angular 8 + Bootstrap SaaS, Startup & Product Landing Page

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Do you build the template from hand or you you use a template system and build it with gulp or so? Would be nice to have a build system for the Templates, so we can quick build and watch if things need to changed.
But just after some minutes i like the theme and found also a bug in styles.scss line 842 there are no class defined i think it should be .po_carousel__wrapper or I’m wrong?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hey there, I seen the wordpress was said to be released about 5 months ago by the comments is it still happening or?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello how are you? I have some questions.
Does this template really have a login and user registration system?
Can users see and create their profiles?
I am asking these questions, as I would like to edit and customize the template to offer exclusive content to registered users.
Thank you for your attention.

Review Left On 09/15/2022
What a beautiful and well-thought out theme. So happy with my purchase. One note: owl-carousel is not working when I upload to my server. Works fine on my local machine, though.